Paneer Recipe Without Tomato

Paneer Recipe Without Tomato In 1 hour: Exquisite Paneer Recipe Without Tomato 😋

Are you prepared to indulge in a delicious Paneer Recipe Without Tomato to titillate your taste buds? We are about to delve into the realm of flavours and spices, so get ready for a delicious voyage. This recipe honours Indian food in all its splendour and features paneer, a versatile ingredient beloved by many. Prepare yourself for a rush of flavours, a dash of history, and detailed instructions on how to make this delectable dish.


The prized Indian staple paneer frequently appears in a variety of cuisines, offering a creamy texture and soaking up the complex flavours of spices. By skipping the use of tomatoes in the enticing recipe we’re about to examine, we’re adopting a novel strategy. This modification not only gives the flavour a fresh perspective, but it also accommodates tomato aversion.

Serving Size for Paneer Recipe Without Tomato

The recipe makes plenty for 4 people, making it ideal for a lovely family dinner or a small get-together with friends.

Prep Time & Cooking Time

Prep TimeCooking TimeTotal TimeDifficulty
25 minutes30 minutes55 minutes⭐⭐⭐
paneer recipe without tomato cook & prep time

Nutritional Information

Here’s the nutritional breakdown per serving of our delightful paneer creation, along with the top 15 micronutrients:

Nutritional InformationAmount Per Serving
Protein (g)15
Carbohydrates (g)10
Fiber (g)2
Fat (g)21
Vitamin A (%)10
Vitamin C (%)8
Calcium (%)40
Iron (%)6
Vitamin D (%)4
Vitamin E (%)2
Vitamin K (%)1
Thiamin (B1) (%)2
Riboflavin (B2) (%)10
Niacin (B3) (%)1
Vitamin B6 (%)4
Folate (B9) (%)1
Vitamin B12 (%)5
Phosphorus (%)20
Magnesium (%)4
Zinc (%)5
Selenium (%)1
Paneer Recipe Without Tomato Ingredients

Ingredients required for Paneer Recipe Without Tomato

This table provides the complete list of ingredients along with the quantity required for this Paneer Recipe Without Tomato:

Onions2 medium-sized
Ginger1-inch piece
Garlic4-5 cloves
Green Chilies2
Melon Seeds1 tablespoon
Poppy Seeds1 tablespoon
Cooking Oil2 tablespoons
Cumin Seeds1 teaspoon
Turmeric Powder1/2 teaspoon
Cumin Powder1 teaspoon
Coriander Powder1 teaspoon
Garam Masala1/2 teaspoon
Red Chili Powder1/2 teaspoon
Fresh Cream2 tablespoons
Fresh Cilantro (for garnish)A handful
Kasuri Methi (Dried Fenugreek Leaves)1 teaspoon (for garnish)
SaltTo taste
Paneer Recipe Without Tomato Ingredients

Step-by-Step Cooking Instructions

  1. Preparation:
    • To keep the paneer supple, chop it into bite-sized pieces and soak it in warm water.
    • Chop the green chilies, onions, ginger, and garlic into fine pieces.
    • Cashews, melon seeds, and poppy seeds are combined in a food processor with a little bit of water to create a paste.
  2. Sautéing Spices:
    • Cumin seeds are added to a pan of hot cooking oil. Let them burn.
    • Green chiles, ginger, and garlic should all be diced. until aromatic, sauté.
  3. Onion Magic:
    • Add the onions, which have been finely diced, and sauté them until golden brown.
  4. Creamy Paste:
    • The cashew-melon-poppy seed paste should be added. Cook the mixture thoroughly until it emits a nutty aroma and the oil begins to separate.
  5. Paneer’s Turn:
    • Add the paneer cubes that have been soaked gently so they can absorb the flavours.
  6. Spice Symphony:
    • Add a flavorful mixture of spices, including red chilli powder, garam masala, cumin powder, turmeric, and coriander powder.
  7. Finishing Touch:
    • The dish will have a more opulent texture when you stir in some fresh cream.
  8. Garnish & Serve:
    • Add some freshly cut cilantro and kasuri methi for flavour to your creation’s garnish.

Paneer Recipe Without Tomato Video Tutorial

Paneer Recipe Without Tomato Video Tutorial

What to Serve Alongside

Buttery naan, fluffy parathas, or steaming basmati rice are the ideal accompaniments to this decadent paneer dish. To balance the flavours, don’t forget to serve some chilled yoghurt on the side.

  1. Spicy Twist:
    • If you want it hotter, you can add some finely chopped green chilies or a small amount of red chilli flakes.
  2. Nutty Delight:
    • Add crushed almonds or pistachios to the meal to accentuate the nutty undertones.
  3. Herbal Infusion:
    • For an earthy kick, add the flavours of fresh fenugreek leaves (kasuri methi).

Healthier Version: Paneer & Veggie Medley

Want to indulge without feeling bad? Try making this meal healthier by adding a variety of vibrant veggies, such as bell peppers, carrots, and peas. This gives the dish a boost of nutrients and vivid flavours. Simply add the vegetables while sautéing, then follow the same cooking procedures.

Vegan Delight: Tofu in Rich Gravy

Vegans, celebrate! By replacing the paneer in this meal with firm tofu, you may have a vegan alternative. Maintain the same cooking procedure while modifying the spices and cooking time to accommodate the texture of the tofu.

Non-Vegetarian Twist: Chicken in Fragrant Gravy

Make this recipe into a chicken feast for the meat lovers. Cook boneless chicken pieces in the same decadent gravy after marinating them in yoghurt and spices. Before serving, make sure the chicken is well cooked.

History of the Dish

The rich culinary heritage of North India is where this dish got its start. It is thought to have been developed during the Mughal Empire, when beautiful foods were made using a symphony of spices. The absence of tomatoes in this rendition is a tribute to earlier iterations of Indian cuisine, where components were chosen according to their suitability and accessibility. Read more here.

Fun Facts About the Dish

Did you know that paneer, sometimes referred to as Indian cottage cheese, is a dairy product rich in protein and has long been a staple of Indian cuisine? This recipe highlights its adaptability as it takes on the flavours of the spices and produces a creamy, filling dish that is enjoyed by everybody.


Enjoy the decadent flavours of this paneer recipe sans tomatoes, where each bite transports you to a different region of India’s rich culinary history. There is a variation of this recipe available for everyone, vegetarian, vegan, or otherwise. So gather your supplies, adhere to our step-by-step directions, and reward yourself with a taste of the best Indian cuisine.


Can I do this recipe with frozen paneer?

Absolutely! Just be careful to completely defrost it before using it in the recipe.

Is it feasible to prepare this dish in advance?

To preserve the paneer’s texture and freshness, you can make the gravy ahead of time and add the paneer right before serving.

Can I use a healthy alternative in place of heavy cream?

For sure. Try using either Greek yoghurt or Coconut milk.

How can I change the spice level to my preference?

Feel free to adjust the quantity of green chilies and red chilli powder based on your tolerance for heat.

Can leftovers be frozen?

Yes, you can store this meal in the freezer for up to a month in an airtight container. Just be sure to completely thaw and reheat it before serving.

It’s time to start your culinary adventure and experience the beauty of this paneer dish without tomato now that you have all the knowledge you want. Enjoy each delicious bite of this creation! 🍽️

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